13WORK – Why didn’t someone think of that before?

Be JOB READY not Interview ready

Add to your profile and express your employability with impeccability.Our system with interpret your resume with high translatability, extensive editability giving you credibility while showing your capability and suitability

60% of our roles are not advertised

30% of those unadvertised roles are filled the same day by clients choosing from our profiles.

A job today goes from a possibility to a high probability

Choose your visibility, availability, flexibility, preferability. Show your ability, agility, adaptability,approachability. Our client database grows by about 300 employers per day

We fill 34% of our roles with direct approaches to Employers

Your job fillability has a dependability on our indomitability and your promotability and impresssability

Add a photo, even better a Video

You are 15 times more likely to get a call if you do a short video (10 to 30 seconds). At a guess this should take you about 10 to 30 seconds to make (Just saying)

Believability and Conceivability?
Does it work ?

See for yourself at our Sister Companies
Your profile is linked into Jobdroid giving you the choice to be visible on all platforms, some platforms or just to 13WORK staff

About Us

13WORK has recently opened it’s virtual doors to all Job Agencies across Australia. At 13WORK we offer Job Agencies the opportunity to search for their perfect candidate with job filters that will match the candidate with the desired skills and accreditations required. Taking job location and availability of the candidate in to factor, we offer a unique system that will maximise you finding your ideal candidate.

Joining up with 13WORK, you will have your pick with advertising across multiple platforms including but limited to; Jobdroid, Career One, Gumtree and a large number of relevant Social Media pages.

Contact Us